Hello, I'm Ryan Crummy!


G'day! ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Ryan, a software engineer focusing on frontend web and mobile. I hail from the lands of Australia. Self-taught and hands-on, I build apps to achieve ambitions for clients. A keen eye for detail, I collaborate with designers and developers to find a holistic balance between vision and implementation.
Let's pick a technology ๐Ÿ˜ƒ:
  • Want an app for the web? Let's use React, Vue.js or Angular to build our platform. We can add TypeScript for more stability.
  • More stability? Let's make sure we write some tests with Cypress and Jest.
  • How about designs? We can use a component library or collaborate with Figma or Adobe Suite.
  • What about mobile? No problem! We can make a PWA or an app with React Native.
  • Need a backend? We can use Node.js or Django with a NoSQL database.
These are just some of the technologies in my toolkit and always expanding my knowledge to learn more.
Get to know a little more. I wake up with Yoga ๐Ÿง˜, catch up over a coffeeโ˜•๏ธ and relax with board games ๐ŸŽฒ.
A frontend clone of the Duolingo app built in React Native
Vue.js boilerplate
A ready-to-go repo with support for Typescript, SASS and GraphQL.
Chloropleth Map
A Chloropleth visualization with tooltips displaying data mapped to United States. Created in D3.js v5.
Data Visualization